PATH OF PRESENCE: Live Awake & Return to Love with Evelyn Foreman

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The Shareworthy Factor in Content Marketing

The key to content marketing success is it’s shareable factor.

When it comes to digital content marketing, each piece of content produced must have one common goal above all else: that those who read it will want to share it.  The key to wildly successful content is to know who you are speaking to and what resonates with them.

When you share information that speaks directly to your tribe, it resonates like a universal truth.  Your interesting, totally relatable, highly applicable content is considered valuable, quality information, and begs to be shared.  Whether the information provided solves a truly baffling problem, or it’s content is truly enlightening, high-quality content is shareworthy and those who read it will want to talk about it, share it with their own audiences, and tell their friends about it.   

Is your content Shareworthy?  When your content is meaningful, relatable, and easy to digest, it meets the shareworthy quality standards.  If your content is interesting and delivers value, people who come across it will want to share it on their social media channels, especially if your content makes the reader feel emotions.

Share worthiness is to a reader as beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  In order to produce shareworthy content, you MUST know your avatar, the target niche audience whom you are speaking. Not only are demographics a part of your avatar profile, you must invest time in truly learning and listening to what interests them.

Researching online and listening to what they are saying, talking about and sharing is vital to your content strategy portfolio. 

·      What motivates your ideal client? 

·      What fears do they secretly hold that they are not saying aloud? 

·      What is the problem underneath the problem they are facing on the surface? 

·      What excites them?

·      What are they frustrated with?

·      What are their pain points? 

As you decipher this, and hone in on who you are speaking with, you begin to figure out what resonates with your tribe and produce content that really tickles a sweet spot, serving them with great value and insight.

Simple supply and demand economics apply to content marketing and your target clients.  If there is no demand or need coming from your target audience for the content that you are producing, there will be a surplus in supply, causing the value of your content to diminish. If your content is not what your core audience needs or wants, it will certainly not be shared, and any branding efforts will go wasted in building your business and/or attracting your tribe.  Bottom line: wasted time, effort and money.

Once you understand what serves your core audience, figure out where they are spending their time.  Which media channels do they hang out on?  Do they favor Facebook over Periscope? Who are their influencers?  Stephen Colbert or Rush Limbaugh?  Do they prefer Michael Beckwith over Joel Olsten?  Or vice versa?  Figure out where and how your audience spends their time online and you’ve got a target location of where to place your content.  When your content is placed in front of the right people who resonate and harmonize with the content, the chances of sharing is exponentially higher.

Download the worksheet and figure out who you harmonize with and gather your tribe now.