PATH OF PRESENCE: Live Awake & Return to Love with Evelyn Foreman

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​​​​​​​Niching Down Your Target Audience: Defining Your Avatar

An avatar is the embodiment of a person or idea. In today’s digital world, an avatar specifically refers to a character that represents an online user.

For the purposes of market segmentation for a small business, for the online entrepreneur, or infopreneur, I will refer to an avatar, representing the ideal customer or member for your tribe (or community).

That’s right, one ideal member who embodies the general values, character and goals of your tribe is what we are looking for.  We are defining the perfect customer with which we do business and want to do business.  When we know our ideal customer's psychographics - attitudes, aspirations and embedded preferences our avatar holds, we can better target our message to serve them. Our product, services, programs, messaging, branding, and collaterals will be produced with this one specific person in mind. 

We have defined why audience matters we want to define our ideal customer’s demographics and motivations.  Aside from knowing who they are, we want specifics.  The Avatar Clarity Transformation Worksheet with provide 5 indispensable questions for you to get crystal clear.  It is designed to catalyze another level of insight to what they need that you can provide.

The following 5 steps answers the “how” you might go from a nebulous feeling of “I can help” to identifying the way in which you can help and best serve your avatar.

Step 1:  Identify the Problem

Step 2:  Articulate the Need

Step 3:  Recognize Frustrations

Step 4:  Share Tools & Resources

Step 5:  Discern Your Part

The reason we want to create a specific avatar to represent our ideal customer is to narrow down our message.  Speaking directly to this specific person, creates focused and cohesive programs that resonates with the exact persons with whom we want to interact. 

When your message or program resonates with your tribe, the right and perfect people are attracted and find you.  Within your tribe, your content is shareworthy , and they will engage (Engaged, Not Married:  Social Media and the New Norm of Conversation) and tell everyone about you.  Your tribe will value your service, program or product and they will “get” you, and value your expertise. 

These peeps, your peeps, will show up because what you say deeply resonates with them as a universal truth. These people, to whom your message speaks are the right and perfect Ones that are ready for what you do, for your expertise and they are out there now, seeking.

It will be a though you are in a room full of people, and what you say, write, teach and sell is exactly what they are seeking.

In a previous post, I introduced the idea of standing in the middle of a crowd of millions and shouting your message.  It doesn’t work well.  Niching down enables you to pare the crowd down to those who really want to hear your message.

You will attract the people you want to work with and those people want to work with you. You may have to get used to hearing things like, “Yes, this is right – this feels right!” with full authenticity because they resonate with your energy, and who you are. Let’s do this!