PATH OF PRESENCE: Live Awake & Return to Love with Evelyn Foreman

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05 - Three Most Important Factors When Posting Social Media

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Three Most Important Factors When Posting Social Media Evelyn Foreman, Path of Presence

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Path of Presence Podcast - Episode 05 - Three Most Important Factors When Posting Social Media

If you are an entrepreneur and working from home we can safely say that you are a certain breed.

Many entrepreneurs are visionaries and are extremely creative people.  Are you one of those people?

Are you a creative entrepreneur and visionary? If you are you'll agree that there's never ashortage of ideas.  In fact you might find that one of your biggest challenges is to focus.

Our topic today is really pivotal to your success in creating a sustainable business. Whether your business is selling a product a program or a service there would be no sustenance without sales.  If you are creating a community there would be no tribe if there were no advocates or supporters.

Today's episode is about three very important marketing values to focus on when posting on social media. 

They are the following:

  1.  Consistency
  2.  Relevancy
  3.  Variety

When you show up on social media you must be consistent your information must be relevant and there has to be a variety.


Consistency is so important when it comes to breaking through the noise of social media. Posting consistently allows us to break through the algorithm set in place for social media platforms. When we post consistently we are assuring that our postings get seen and get distributed widely.

When we post consistently and show up on our platforms, there is a higher chance that our post will get to our ideal target audience. 

Keep in mind that consistency does not equal frequency. Consistency is showing up consistently every single day. Where as frequency the number of times we show upmeasured in a closed period time, like daily, for example.

This distinction is important so that we do not spam our audience and end up getting blocked by our friends or our viewers.

We may choose to post consistently once a day for three months for instance -- as opposed to frequently posting several times a day for three months.

This makes a huge difference as we are choosing quality over quantity in our approach this reach our ideal customers.


When you post make sure that the information that you provided is relevant to your audience. Relevant engaging, content will always be shown to those whose interests resonate with what we are posting.

When we post consistently and our post are engaging our audience (that is, our audience is liking, commenting, or sharing our posts) social networks will recognize our content as relevant.  When our posts are deemed relevant by the built in algorithms of each network, our post will be shown more often on newsfeeds, and therefore seen by more people.


In order to sustain the engagement factor of our posts, it is also really important to post a variety of content on our platform.

The content should be a combination of blogs, podcast, videos, e-books, Webinars, text posts, graphics and engagement questions.  Determine which of the content you produce is the easiest for you to post, and of those, which are the most relevant to your audience. This should be your priority. You should post the most relevant data to your audience that is easy for you to create.

As you are scheduling your postings, keep in mind that social media is simply an extension of the content on your website.   In other words, your social media platforms serves as the marketing vehicle in which you reach your customers.

The content that you share is an extension of who you are and the services you provide, reaching people you wish to attract.  Posting consistent, visible, engaging, relevant content creates trust, credibility and authority for your business.

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This ultimately converts your visitors and window shoppers the loyal fans, turning simply buyers to be strong advocates of your community.

That's it for today - short and sweet.  If you know of anyone who might benefit from listening to this podcast please invite them to listen to the podcast address is or you can also find our Path of Presence podcast on Apple iTunes, and even on YouTube.  We will see you next time!

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