PATH OF PRESENCE: Live Awake & Return to Love with Evelyn Foreman

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08 - 11 Easy Facebook Tips to Increase Massive Success

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Episode 8 - 11 Easy Facebook Tips to increase Massive Success Evelyn Foreman, Path of Presence

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Path of Presence Podcast - Episode 08 - 11 Easy Facebook Tips to Increase Massive Success

Fan Page Best Practices Posting Tips

This episode is about Best Practices for Posting on Your Facebook Fan Page.  These 11 quick and simple actionable steps will help you jumpstart your success on your Facebook page and get your going on the right path!

What is a happy medium between posting dozens of updates a day and deleting your Facebook looking like an abandoned ghost town? Whether you do or whether you are posting several times a day or several times a week, the most important thing is to post consistently.

Facebook Best Practice Tip #1: Consistent Posting

The general rule of thumb is to post either one, two or three update a day at minimum. At the very least you should post a couple times a week to remain on your customers radar.

The more engage your customer is with your page post, the more likely you'regoing to continue to appear in their newsfeeds. But take heart, the most recent statistics show that only 2% of the people who like your page actually see your post. Having this information should motivate you to post often and to increase your page likes.

Before we dive into that it is important for you to know that if someone ignores your post for a prolonged period of time, your posts will disappear from their newsfeed all together. 

Research shows The reality of out of sight out of mind. If someone does not voluntarily visit your fan page to catch up with your post, they will most likely never see you're posting on there no newsfeed again.

It is also important to know that not everyone will be checking Facebook all day long or on consecutive days for that matter. It is wise to share a link or an article and posted several times a day throughout the day at different times tell those who are on the platform at various times can see it.   When doing this, be sure not to be spammy about it and utilize practice for your most engaging post that provide high value.

Facebook Best Practice Tip #2:  Focus on Brand Advocates

When posting to your fan page,  Focus on brand advocates. The people who like in engage with your content will tend to share with their friends. Keep track of the types of updates these people like and target more of it directly to them. When they share your content it will appear in the friends only feed about a person's friends, increasing your reach.

Facebook Best Practice Tip #3:  Limit Jargon

When you were posting, make sure to stay with standard English and limit jargon.  Assumed that those who are reading your post is not familiar with what you are saying so if you're using an acronym be sure to put in parentheses what the acronym stands for. Keep the language simple and conversational to invite the maximum number of people to read it.

Facebook Best Practice Tip #4:  Thank You’s are Still Important

If time permits thank you each and every person who likes your Facebook page. And alternative is to post a thank you note about once a week to make your new fans feel welcome.  Doing this adds care do your communication and reflects well on your image as a brand that is personable and cares about its audience.

Facebook Best Practice Tip #5:  Brand Voice & Personality Counts

In all postings, be sure you maintain a consistent brand voice and personality to strengthen your brand. When you are addressing fans use the term week to make them feel part of a shared community. This way everyone feels included. If you want to celebrate a landmark for instance if you achieved 1000 followers, you may want to post a message that says "We did it when thousand followers! Thank you for all your support!" This communication expresses gratitude and invites your fans to feel included.

Facebook Best Practice Tip #6:  Facebook Best Practice Tip #2:  Engagement Tip:  Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Questions

Ask questions to encourage engagement and start discussions. These questions can be a better product reprogram related to your business, or just about life in general. Either or questions work really well. For example, do you prefer a or B.  Opinion questions are always good to ask.  For example, what is your favorite type of meditation practice?

Facebook Best Practice Tip #7:  Engagement Tip:  Fill In the Blanks

Utilize" fill in the blank" updates. Fill in the blanks are successful because Vance will only have to type one or two words at the most to respond for instants do you prefer a mountain or ocean vacation? Or do you prefer active yoga or restorative yoga?  Do you prefer biking or jogging?

Facebook Best Practice Tip #8:  Engagement Tip:  Be Timely!

Keeping timely engagement is important.  If someone comments on your status update or makes a post to your timeline, be sure to reply to the soon as possible.  Your timely response encourages further conversation and inquiry, rather than letting the comment go stale. If you do not reply at all, do expect no further inquiries to come in from this person. If the opportunity is right, you have a comment to reply to a like also. This shows that you are engaged with their question as well.

Facebook Best Practice Tip #9:  Private Messaging

If you're comfortable with it, turn on private messaging through Facebook.  This real-time option allows customers to contact the Page ministry at her directly. If you get resources to cope with this, you should leave this option on so that customers can get in touch with you especially if they don't want to share their message in a public forum. There are some automated bots created of late to automate the process. But, I have not found a need for them.   My experience with bots is that although it seems like a great option, bot do not generally answer the particular question I have, and it ends up going forward with emailing the company again, where I expected the response.  But this would take extra work on my part b/c the bots did not don't heir job.

Facebook Best Practice Tip #10:  Always Add a Visual

It is proven fact at photos and videos to get a higher engagement rate if it is possible try to include an image with every update even if the picture only relates to what you're writing in your status. For example, if you have a question to ask her fans, post a text of the question including a photo that I asked the same question. Then repeat it in the text box of the status update.

Facebook Best Practice Tip #11:  K.I.S.S.

Keep it simple, concise and to the point.  As more and more people are now on their mobile device, can you or your content to mobile users. Studies have shown that Facebook users skim content in their newsfeed. Keeping your post 80 characters or less is a good targeting for as the shorter post received 27% higher engagement and does with the long post.

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