An Attitude of Gratitude

Ever since I was a little girl, I was taught that your attitude determines your happiness in life.  Regardless of the adversity I've experienced, I have always held this lesson near and dear to my heart:  for all things, be grateful.  

Things go right?  Be grateful.  Things out of control? Be grateful?  Things falling apart? Be grateful.  

Being grateful is the key to all things good.

Honestly, by the time I was a teenager, I was tired of being grateful.  As a teenager, I could remember many things that I was living with that I didn't want to be grateful for - and still, gratitude had been such a foundational practice for me that I found myself giving thanks, even though I was rebelling from family and finding my way.

Today, I give thanks for this foundation.  

My Mom taught me well, to have an attitude of gratitude, regardless of comes my way.  It has been a foundation of abundance, perspective and healing for me.  This lesson continues to teach me that grace is always in the midst and that being grateful is the key to all things good.