PATH OF PRESENCE: Live Awake & Return to Love with Evelyn Foreman

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Answering The Call: Knowing YOUR "Why" Makes All the Difference

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I'm A Goin' ... Ya Wanna Come? | I'm Ready ... Are You? 

For a while now, I have been struggling to write this post.  How do I answer a simple question:  what am I doing here?

What business do I, as mom, minister, and mystic, have in the digital world?

Well, ya know that nudge that I'm always talking about on my radio show "The Call of Spirit: Tune In to Possibility?”

Sweet Jesus, the nudge is real. For a couple years now, that nudge has evolved a push, and not necessarily a gentle one, ya know?


"What's a gal like you doing at a place like this?"

Along with that question, comes a visual of a Western-style saloon and a bartender leaning over the bar, face baffled, fearing her patron might be on the wrong side of the tracks.

What AM I doing here in the crowded space of social media and digital marketing?

Shouldn’t I be serving at a nice local church community or writing a spiritual book of some sort?

Well, I gave it a go, serving at a local church.  I LOVED it, but, it took me away from my children.

I knew I needed to find another way to be with those with whom my message resonates, my tribe, without being away from my babies, my clan at home.

As the face of traditional ministry continues to evolve, so too do I.

I have always believed that everyone I meet, I can learn from. From the babe, who is new to the world, to the person who is with their last dying breath, those before us can be our teachers if we let them.

Our incredible lives are strung together by a million different experiences.  I believe that everything presented on our path, on this journey we call life, is a reminder for us to wake up to the gift that we live each day. 

If we are not intentional, and if we do not pay attention, we may very easily get caught up in the busyness of life and forget that the experience of living is but a platform to return to the Truth of our being.


Why Social Media, of All Things?

There are many things about social media that enables personal, professional, and financial freedom.

For heart-centered entrepreneurs, digital success is not just about sales, but also about community and freedom to live the life of your dreams!

Social media and blogging enables me a lifestyle that supports my vision of presence for my children, time with my spouse, and success in the world - to make an impact with those whom my work and message resonates.

The World Has Changed, and So Shall I...


Because I have little Ones at home, the sacred duty and honor is to be mother, first and foremost. 

My son Cayden is 10 years old and my daughter is now 4, both impressionable and in their formidable years of development. 

As a child, my single mother worked three jobs to make ends me. Because of that circumstance, I grew up as a latchkey child. It has made me strong and independent, but also feeling like I didn’t get enough Mom time, especially when she passed away when I was only 16,

As a parent, I long to do better by children. I do not want my children to ever feel alone, or feel like they’ve got to fiercely compete for my attention over my work.

I never want to tell my children I cannot do something with them because I am unavailable. Working outside the home requires me to be physically gone, and creates limitations for me to be truly present to them.

The freedom of a digital business is a  lifestyle that allows me to support my family and provide a mothering, nurturing, presence for my babies.

There is also another critical factor for me to blissfully work from home - I get to spend time with my love and best friend.

My spouse, Cliff and I run a consulting company, also from our home office.  We didn’t find each other until we were well in our 30s, and we love the time we get to spend with one another, co-creating a life of wedded bliss.


For a while, I grappled with what to do professionally. I wanted a lifestyle that would support my desire to spend time with my family.

At the same time, I wanted to continue my own professional development. Coming from a long line of entrepreneurs, I wanted to build something that has meaning for me.  

The process of uncovering my work, and finding a niche is one piece of the puzzle.

I wanted to integrate my talents as a graphic designer, project manager, and writer with the skills of a speaker, author and minister. 

What would that look like? 

For the past 2 years, I've invited divine ideas and the results have been insightful and transformational


What kind of life do you really want for yourself?  If provided an opportunity to reinvent yourself, allowing vision to guide YOUR path, what would it look like? 

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