PATH OF PRESENCE: Live Awake & Return to Love with Evelyn Foreman

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How To Get Inspired When You’re Not Feeling It

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How do you get inspired?

Where do you find inspiration?

Inspiration, it’s one of those magical ingredients you either have in spades or you struggle to cultivate.

You’re either inspired or you’re not. And you can definitely feel the difference. Creating and acting from a place of inspiration flows naturally, it’s not difficult, it’s almost an unstoppable force.

You know the feeling, your adrenaline spikes, you get all tingly and you’re just bursting with excitement. You’re in the zone as if the muses themselves were whispering in your ear.

And just like that an idea or maybe several ideas, if you’re anything like me, are born.

The fire lights in your belly, and you’re motivated to get started. Think of inspiration as the spark that lights the flame, and motivation as the fire that moves you to action.

Inspiration leads to motivation, and you need both to succeed and actually achieve your goals.

On the other hand, creating an uninspired place can lead to stress, anxiety and not the best results. Without inspiration on your side, it’s a painful and loveless endeavor, with you fighting to get it done every step of the way.  

  • Ever tried working out when you’re just not feeling it?

  • What about investing time in your business or blog when you don’t want to?

  • Not a great way to go about things, is it?

  • But, what do you do when you’re fresh out of inspiration? And to make matters worse, you’ve got a deadline, you need to get started on your goals, but you just can’t.

Exhale the frustration and take a deep breath of inspiration with these 5 ways to get inspired each and every day.

#1. Create and Use a Vision Board

You’ve no doubt heard about vision boards. They’re trendy right now for a reason, if you create it right, they’re a powerful tool to keep you inspired every single day.

Vision boards allow you to future cast, by being a representation of your hopes and dreams. Gather visual embodiments of the emotions, places, themes and things you’d like to accomplish. Then, organize them into a physical or digital board.

Now here’s the important part, keep it somewhere you can see every single day. That could be on the wall of your office, your work out room or even a background on your phone or desktop.

If you’re brand new to vision boards, here’s how to make a vision board that works.

You can get inspired today by creating a vision board.

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#2. Talk to Interesting and Supportive People

Who in your life inspires you? There must be someone you admire and always seems to light your fire. You know you go out for coffee or on a lunch date with them and you walk away with all new ideas.

You need someone in your life who ignites you. Think about it this way, if you’re trying to make a fire in the woods, you need dry wood, kindling, and a spark. A great way to create that friction in your life is to be amongst people who you vibe with.

Let people in on your goals and start building a community of like-minded and driven people. Start bouncing ideas off of them, have coffee dates (virtual or in person), ask for advice and be engaged.

And yes, I know what you might be thinking, “I don’t have anyone like this in my life.”

Then get up and find them. Look in community groups on Facebook, join a MeetUp and start talking to people. In the meantime, you can substitute by listening to inspiring speakers, TedTalks, audiobooks and podcasts.

Don’t just read inspiration, listen to it, watch it, it’s more impactful that way.

You can be inspired today by surrounding yourself with engaging people.

#3. Follow Your Curiosity

What interests you? What wakes you up and intrigues you? What perks your ears up and makes you want to join conversations?

If you’re feeling uninspired and drained, forget what you’re trying to do, and take a breather to follow your curiosity instead.

The greatest mystery about inspiration is that you don’t always know where you’ll find it. Or rather, where it will find you. It could be in an interesting article in your favorite magazine, it could be a one-liner in a movie, or you could see something curious in passing.

Don’t force it, allow inspiration to find you.

You need to know what lights your fire, and nothing gets you going than being genuinely interested in it. So when you need to be inspired, take a time out to just be excited.

Find daily inspiration by following your interest and genuine curiosities.

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#4. “Chase the Rabbit” Online

Have you ever been online and somehow found yourself down the rabbit hole? Like one search, led to a click, then several clicks later you’re reading about something new on Pinterest.

When you’re not so inspired is the perfect time to chase the rabbit. Start by searching for what you’re actually working on either in Google, Pinterest or on Instagram. Then just follow the links until you’ve found what you need.

In other words, stop when you’re inspiration tank is on full.

Sometimes that’s an inspirational account with words of encouragement you need to hear, other times it’s discovering a new side to your topic you never heard of, and still another time it’s an image that just gets you going.

The only rule is to resist the urge to feel like you’re wasting time. Trust me, trying to get something done when you’re not feeling it is the waste of time. When you’re inspired it takes a fraction of the time to get it done, rather than the countless minutes and hours of procrastination and avoidance when you’re not.

Anytime you find yourself drifting, take a breather to chase the rabbit online. You may end up in a world of talking giant talking caterpillars. What’s more inspiring than that?

#5. Get Up & Go Exploring

Are you dreading going to the place you put in time on your goals? If you’re trying to get fit that could be the gym, if you’re building a business, that might be your home office.

So what do you do when it’s not you, but your environment that less than inspiring? Get up and go exploring, of course! Escape the gym for the park, leave your office for a spot in a local cafe.

Sometimes a lack of inspiration can be caused by our traditional places of creativity running dry. You need to change it up. Find new locations that get your inspiration flowing.

Never underestimate the power of fresh air and a new view. All you might need to work on your business is a wifi connection and a comfy spot.

Pack it up and head out to a local library, the park, a coffee shop, or even the lobby of a fancy building.

Go wherever you’re feeling it, and don’t be afraid to keep trying new spots until you’re vibing well.

Although a magical and often mysterious ingredient to success, inspiration is a feeling after all, so follow your feelings to find it.

How to Stay Inspired, Every Single Day

Are you ready to get inspired?

Remember, inspiration leads to motivation! And one of the best ways to get motivated is to find what inspires you and make time for it daily.

You’ve got the inspiration within you, you just need to find the spark.

Don’t be afraid to change things up, to get out there and chase what drives you and just follow your heart.

In the words of Jack London, “You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.”

Don’t wait, go get inspired!

Please Raise Awareness and Share The Love ❤️

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About the Author Nadalie Bardo

Nadalie Bardo is here to help you slay your goals, so you can pursue your dream life with confidence + action. As the Founder of It's All You Boo, she curates the very best content to keep you motivated and inspired to slay your goals in life and business. Her newest creation, the Slay Your Goals Planner is a 60+ page printable dedicated to helping you actually achieve your goals this year.

Nadalie Bardo, It’s All You Boo  

Connect with Nadalie on social media: @nadaliebardo.  She is on Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook


How about that, friends?  I hope you are inspired and motivated because I sure am!

  • What do you do for inspiration when you feel uninspired? 

  • Which of the points above noted resonates most and why?

  • What other tips would you like to share/offer to the community?  We'd love to learn from you too!