On Listening...

If we are to be divinely guided in our lives, we must be listening.
— Linda Curry

Guest Post by Linda Curry, True Balance Wellness

If we are to be divinely guided in our lives, we must be listening. But how can we ensure we are truly listening?

In our productive lives, listening is not always a walk in the park. After seeing documentary “Walk With Me: A Journey Into Mindfulness with Thich Nhat Hanh,” I was reminded the importance of slow, deliberate movement.

I can still see Thich Nhat Hanh leading his followers through the forest as if in slow motion. Each step onto the earth appeared deliberate and conscious. I sat in the theater able to feel his foot touch the earth crunching the dried leaves, and I could hear each bird and insect coming through.

The clouds drifted as in slow motion as my mind was moving at the same speed. Everything slowed down around me as I became still inside.

When in this state of consciousness and deliberate movement, it is much easier to listen, observe, feel. When present, the guidance is loud and clear. The guidance is exactly what you are conscious to. The foot touching the earth, the birds and insects communicating, the clouds drifting – that is your guidance. Just being present to what is, is the guidance we are invited to follow.

I know most probably hope for divine intervention that catapults you to make a clear business decision that will ramp your revenue 200% in the next month. But that is not what this journey is about.

Being present and conscious of life is what life is.

Whatever happens from there is perfection, on-point, purposeful. Being fully present with each step, word, glance, and pen stroke is all that is asked of us.

The rest will fall into place, into formation for your spiritual journey.

In what ways do YOU practice (or might you practice) deep listening? 

The Real Gift of Gratitude

The inherent gift of gratitude is the presence of mind, body, soul, spirit and being to mindfully live life with relentless embrace.
— Rev. Evelyn Foreman, M. Div.

Gratitude is a common word.  It is a value many hold dear.

"What is it about gratitude that is so appealing?" You might wonder. 

Let's be straight:  sometimes, with the ground beneath us crumbles, and our heart breaks in a million thousand pieces, and it seems one unfortunate event happens to another, gratitude might be the last thing that sits at the tip of your tongue.

Yet, the instruction for practice is to give thanks anyway.  Not only to say thank you but to cultivate the feeling of thanks - to give thanks for nothing in return.

It takes a strong soul to give thanks for nothing in return.  It requires a noble heart, and willing participant to be present to nothingness.  Can you be this person?

When we give thanks, we become present in life.  When we are present (rather than absent-minded) we are living each moment of our lives fully.

The real gift is not whether you will get something in return when you give thanks.  The inherent gift of gratitude is the presence of mind, body, soul, spirit and being to mindfully live life with a relentless embrace.

What one thing might you give thanks for today to be present to your beautiful, poetic, precious life?  Please share as you are called. <3