Today, I am Grateful

Declaring, "Today, I am grateful" is the way to begin any day, every day.

What would happen if everyone on Earth should start the day declaring that they are grateful?

A day at a time, a moment at a time, be grateful.

As Westerners, we live our lives in such abundance, and with so much convenience that we may not fully appreciate it all.  Just the sheer fact that we have food in the frig, clothes that keep us warm, and transportation when we need it is amazing. 

Even if the need is not material, many of us have someone to call 'friend.'  We are surrounded by technology; even reading this post is amazing.  We forget sometimes, the fortunate lives we live.

We can call each other on wireless devices called our mobile phones.  We can see each other despite being on the other side of the globe.  We have access to food, entertainment, and simply luxuries like gourmet coffee.  

Have you stopped today to count your blessings?

Join me in finishing the following sentence, "Today, I am grateful for the following 3 things..." 

Drunk ... On Gratitude

Who would have guessed that anyone can put the words drunk & gratitude in an inspirational message?  

Rumi was a genius in so many ways, with intoxicating words that lure my spirit into the courageous act of possibility!

No one says the practice of gratitude had to be controlled and tempered. 

Let's take a hint from nature - and change our way of being every so often...let's be grateful.

What would unfold if every ONE of us became totally overtaken and completely grateful for EVERYTHING?

The world would be a marvelous place of appreciation and our life would be an immersion of cherished experiences. 


Life is a Series of Tiny Little Miracles

Life is a series of tiny little miracles, and when I am present to this, I am profoundly grateful.

Even before conception, the pattern of possibility is imprinted in our DNA.  Each moment, each breath, each millisecond, life is a miracle.  

One miracle, strung together with another, in each moment of our lives, we become who we are, and we realize who we are to be.

What better way to express thanksgiving but to embrace each moment, living fully in alignment with our soul's purpose?

Whether we accept it, or not, each one of us is a miracle, unfolding as an expression of sacred life. Realize this, and be grateful <3.  Namaste.

Pause...take a breath. 

For moment, what are you present to that is profound to you, dear One?  

Let Gratitude Guide Me

There is always a deeper story to every thing.  The deeper, underlying story is the unfolding of my sacred journey.  

When I come upon challenges and difficulties in life, I might often wish it away, wondering how I got myself into such a predicament? Yet, when I get still, and present to the moment of struggle, I realize it is an opportunity.  

The most poignant challenge that comes to mind is giving birth.  In the middle of birth, when all is in the process of unfolding, I remember wondering how I could get away from the difficulty.

The experience of natural birth has provided me a 1st hand experience that what is before me is in fact, a gift.  

Many blessings came from birthing my 1st child.  Not only did I receive the gift of my son, I learned earnestly to "lean into it."  With this, learning that the experience of birthing itself is guidance to trust the intuitive process of emergence, for baby and my own soul.

The experience of moving past the difficulty is the guide that came for me.  With it, I was taught to trust. I now use this pattern of recognition whenever I am confronted with a challenge.

As I accept the challenge before me, I relax into the idea that, for whatever reason, what I am confronted with in this present moment is here to serve me.

I give thanks knowing that what is before me is guiding me back to the Truth of my being. For this faith, and for this guidance, I am grateful.  

What difficulty have you had in the past that you now recognize as a guide from beyond?  Please share as you are called.

Enough is a Feast

We stick with the basics during our daily family dinner meal: a protein + greens and (usually) rice (After all, I am Asian ;-D). If we have dessert, fruit follows.

It is simple, but a feast b/c of the overflowing abundance that is love expressing in our lives...and WOW! I give thanks for that bounty! What feast shows up in your life??

Let's rejoice and give thanks together!

<3 Blessings, Evelyn

#ThankfulThursday #TT #Gratitude

The Mindful Practice of Whole-Hearted Gratitude