Gratitude Changes Everything

In times when all seems stagnant, awry and unwell, remember to give thanks.

Remember:  Gratitude changes everything.

It has been over 6+ years since I lost my baby through a fetal miscarriage.  At the time, my experience of loss was raw, and I was in deep grief.  Life felt like a burden as I dealt with the experience of grief and deep sadness.  

I wondered if I would ever stand amid the light again as I laid in bed, wondering what and how I could have changed things.

Inspirational readings and spiritual know-how did very little to move the energy along. 

One day, in the silence of meditation, it dropped in like a ton of bricks.  Almost as severe as devastating loss, the practice of gratitude entered my consciousness like an Angel, giving hope and new life.

I started to give thanks and with each passing day, I felt slowly excavated from my stagnation and heavy heart.  

As my heart opened, new life began - so much so that we conceived another time.  

Today, this miraculous conceptions my daughter, who is now 4 years old.  One of middle name is Grace.  It is through grace and gratitude that my life has been forever altered.  For this, I give whole-hearted thanks!  

Did you Know that October is Pregnancy Loss Awareness Month?  Be a blessing: Find out more and learn how to help others through this experience.

What one circumstance in your life might you want to change? 

What of gratitude turns it completely around for you?  How might you give thanks (either by deed, action, or affirmation) to activate this change?

Turn Your Life Around

Whether hiking or life, once in a while, we might find ourselves caught in a place that we'd rather not be.

In the context of hiking, we might step in a mud puddle that we wish we wouldn't have.  In life, it might be a situation or a circumstance that we'd rather not experience.

Rather than to simply wish it away, I realize it does no good for me to struggle, complain or curse, for that matter!  In both instances, it truly helps to adopt a positive frame of mind so that any problem-solving abilities I might possess will come to the surface. 

Because I would personally rather be in a positive mood than a grumpy one, I stay open to how I might turn my mood from foul to free?

Through life transitions, especially those that seem to feel especially difficult, like grief or losses, I have learned to be present to what comes up. 

As I acknowledge where I am, I give thanks, knowing that whatever is unfolding is conspiring for me.

I dare to pour my faith into knowing and feeling grateful that all of life is FOR me.  As I do so, I loosen my attachments to the outcome of whats unfolding, and miracles unfold.

The practice of gratitude, continual thankfulness for whatever is, enables me to turn my life around.  

How and in which way do you practice that creates positive results? Please share as you are called. <3 Namaste

10 to Zen :: Practicing Surrender as a Path of Remembering

If anyone knows me and my sweet family, they'll know that we are upwardly mobile.  Every couple of years, we are on an adventure, and we live in a new state (body, mind, and spirit), allowing us to renew what we need and release what we do not.

Our philosophy that life is to be lived, embraced and experienced has given us the courage to relocate where we want, anywhere in the world.  This privileged lifestyle has paved way for us to meet amazing people everywhere we have resided, and we love it.

This gives way to clear out not simply the physical items, but also the emotional baggage that may have collected. 

One of the most amazing gifts about moving often is the opportunity to clear out what we no longer need.  

Intentionally releasing the item(s) frees the energy to travel back from wherever it came.  This list is part of our moving list now, and I'm sharing it in case anyone wants to join us in surrendering that which no longer serves ...  Aho!



Drunk ... On Gratitude

Who would have guessed that anyone can put the words drunk & gratitude in an inspirational message?  

Rumi was a genius in so many ways, with intoxicating words that lure my spirit into the courageous act of possibility!

No one says the practice of gratitude had to be controlled and tempered. 

Let's take a hint from nature - and change our way of being every so often...let's be grateful.

What would unfold if every ONE of us became totally overtaken and completely grateful for EVERYTHING?

The world would be a marvelous place of appreciation and our life would be an immersion of cherished experiences. 


Your work is to discover your world and with all your heart, give yourself to it

Giving something with "all your heart" is a gift of devotion.  What is truly worthy to give ourselves to?  ... to give all our heart to?  ... to give all our love to?

My gift is a legacy that was handed down to me by my late mom: to be Mom, sacred guardians for my own children.

My mother devoted her whole life to create an opportunity for her children to live their lives unencumbered.  In unimaginable ways, It is because of my mother's love and devotion that I am possible today.

My work of discovering my world - my family and children - was 33 years in the making before I realized what I was willing to give all my heart to.  The work of discovery is not a fast road, nor an easy one.

It has been a journey, one that has lived many lives of it's own. As I continue to grow and allow life to discover me, I make decisions now that continue to feed my work, knowing that I am the One I've been waiting for.  What sacred work awaits you on your journey?  Have you discovered yet what you are wlling to give yourself to?

Let Gratitude Guide Me

There is always a deeper story to every thing.  The deeper, underlying story is the unfolding of my sacred journey.  

When I come upon challenges and difficulties in life, I might often wish it away, wondering how I got myself into such a predicament? Yet, when I get still, and present to the moment of struggle, I realize it is an opportunity.  

The most poignant challenge that comes to mind is giving birth.  In the middle of birth, when all is in the process of unfolding, I remember wondering how I could get away from the difficulty.

The experience of natural birth has provided me a 1st hand experience that what is before me is in fact, a gift.  

Many blessings came from birthing my 1st child.  Not only did I receive the gift of my son, I learned earnestly to "lean into it."  With this, learning that the experience of birthing itself is guidance to trust the intuitive process of emergence, for baby and my own soul.

The experience of moving past the difficulty is the guide that came for me.  With it, I was taught to trust. I now use this pattern of recognition whenever I am confronted with a challenge.

As I accept the challenge before me, I relax into the idea that, for whatever reason, what I am confronted with in this present moment is here to serve me.

I give thanks knowing that what is before me is guiding me back to the Truth of my being. For this faith, and for this guidance, I am grateful.  

What difficulty have you had in the past that you now recognize as a guide from beyond?  Please share as you are called.

Where Ever You Stand - Be the Soul of That Place

There is no argument that children are among life's many blessings.  

I've been blessed to be Mommy of 2 very dear souls, dropping in by divine order, and allowing my spouse and me to be sacred guardians of their upbringing. As of this post, my son is just about 10 years old, and my baby girl, 4.  

As I have the honor to watch them grow and bloom each day, one of the most interesting and rewarding experiences I have when with them is to witness their becoming.  

As they learn, grow and master their path, I get to watch with doting eyes, heart full of love, as they embrace who they've come to be.  Whether it is seeing them pick up an instrument for the 1st time (like the violin) or learning how to do long division, I marvel at their process of embrace.  

They embrace what is ~ not simply the object - like the instrument, or the math problem, but wholehearted, they go through the process of embracing themselves!

From never having touched or seen what they are learning, they begin to accept and integrate newness by being OPEN. As they learn and traverse the path of mastery, they embrace it and are then present to all that is available to them through the lesson itself.

It is a marvelous process that I love and am blessed to see each day!

Having my little ones as spiritual teachers have enabled me to reclaim the reminder that Rumi shared so long ago - that wherever I go, wherever I am, whatever I may be doing ~ I am to be One with the PRESENT, and therefore, with my WHOLE self, be the soul of that place.

What are you open to today?  How will you allow yourself to be the soul of the place where you stand?

Difficult Roads Often Lead to Beautiful Destinations

All the challenges I have ever had has made me stronger, more resilient ... brave.

My experiences, difficult as they may seem at the moment they were occurring had a purpose.  At the very least, they have fortified me to be who I stand today.

If you are facing a difficult situation today, you are not alone.  All that is influx is rearranging itself, conspiring to support us in becoming who we were always meant to be.

Let us count our blessings as the lucky ones to experience the wholeness of life in this situation now.  Amen.

#Blessed #IamBlessed #IamWhole

Feel the Fear - Do It Anyway

F.E.A.R.   FALSE EVIDENCE, Appearing Real...

Fear reminds us of our humanity.  

Fear, like pain, is a signal for us to pay attention.  It wakes us up to be conscious of our actions, words, deeds and intentions.

If you feel fear today, don't forget to look mindfully, pray ceaseless, and know that you always have a choice.  

Check in, feel it... if the still small voice says YES! (Despite what the ego says) - then listen and act as you are called.

No one ever found new lands without the willingness to leave the shore... <3