Turn Your Life Around

Whether hiking or life, once in a while, we might find ourselves caught in a place that we'd rather not be.

In the context of hiking, we might step in a mud puddle that we wish we wouldn't have.  In life, it might be a situation or a circumstance that we'd rather not experience.

Rather than to simply wish it away, I realize it does no good for me to struggle, complain or curse, for that matter!  In both instances, it truly helps to adopt a positive frame of mind so that any problem-solving abilities I might possess will come to the surface. 

Because I would personally rather be in a positive mood than a grumpy one, I stay open to how I might turn my mood from foul to free?

Through life transitions, especially those that seem to feel especially difficult, like grief or losses, I have learned to be present to what comes up. 

As I acknowledge where I am, I give thanks, knowing that whatever is unfolding is conspiring for me.

I dare to pour my faith into knowing and feeling grateful that all of life is FOR me.  As I do so, I loosen my attachments to the outcome of whats unfolding, and miracles unfold.

The practice of gratitude, continual thankfulness for whatever is, enables me to turn my life around.  

How and in which way do you practice that creates positive results? Please share as you are called. <3 Namaste